Tag Archives: Startitis

More WIPs than FOs


After a few years of knitting and crochet, I have finally caught a case of startitis. This condition generally rears its head in the new year, so I’m a little behind schedule as we heave towards March (already?). My symptoms include lots of scribbling down of plans, raiding my bin bag stash of bargain wools, swatching like crazy (something I have generally not done until recently), hunting online for patterns and filling the traditionally non-woolly areas of the house with piles of yarn, just so it’s to hand if I need it. A moment of clarity made me google startitis and I have a classic case …

Going with the flow for a moment, here’s a list of current WIPs:

Little Bear’s berry flavoured porridge
Rainbow Pogona
Sofa blanket
First ever pair of socks
icord headphones for my niece’s birthday
Shawl for my other niece’s birthday
Second great divide
My first pattern

Oh, and once the idea popped into my head, I really want to yarnbomb the tree in my front garden!

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It’s too many! Progress on Little Bear and Pogona is good – it should only take a couple of days of concerted effort to complete the last two squares on the former, and a few nights of insomniacal knitting for the latter (I’m at the 25-minutes-per-row stage now). Additional yarn is on the way for my sofa blanket so I really shouldn’t cast on until that arrives, but it’s too tempting!