

A while ago I posted the beginnings of a 2013 to do list. I’m updating here as I’ve finally made some progress:

1. Complete my current WIP: insomniacal granny unstripe blanket (for a baby due in June) FINISHED

2. Wrap-pod conversion FINISHED
3. Milo or Puerperium for baby small
4. Knitted monkey for baby small’s 1st birthday (September)
5. Several crocheted items from Kat Goldin’s Crochet at Play which arrived this week FIRST ITEM ALMOST COMPLETE
6. Craft Fairy items for the Natural Mamas gift swap FINISHED
7. Knitted item for me going into autumn/winter

Natural Mamas’ latest round of the Craft Fairy gift swap has just finished with a flourish this weekend. I was pleased with the items I made, and think I was realistic in my ambitions and timings, as I didn’t want to over-commit myself. Now that it’s done, I’m thinking of what comes next.

I started the lovely cabled yoke cardigan from Crochet at Play before Craft Fairy, but put it aside for the sake of secret crafting. It’s almost complete now, but frustratingly I ran out of yarn with the second sleeve and buttonbands still to do. Happily I managed to track down additional yarn with the same dye lot, but it’ll take a day or two to arrive and I want to plan other lovelies!

Craft Fairy always showcases beautiful makes. This season featured a lot of shawls and I’ve decided to make one for a wedding I’m going to in July. As that’s only a few weeks away and I’m a very slow knitter, I was inspired to try the Elise crochet pattern, which looks so beautiful when blocked. It’s quite a departure for me as I tend to wear chunky scarves, but it’s just so pretty.

So off yarn-shopping then – my favourite activity, after making of course!

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